January 15, 2012

snow and ice skating swans

snow-the feel the smell
the texture of the air
the shift in the weather
the first real snowfall
accumulating white
flake by flake
light and airy
a film of white
cell by cell
cleaning the world

“Andromaque, je pense à vous!
Andromache, I think of you as I look down…” 
(Le Cygne À Victor Hugo)
~Charles Baudelaire

1 comment:

frenchtoast said...

“Aussi devant ce Louvre une image m'opprime:
Je pense à mon grand cygne, avec ses gestes fous,
Comme les exilés, ridicule et sublime
Et rongé d'un désir sans trêve! et puis à vous,…”

“So, before the Louvre, an image oppresses me:
I think of my great swan with his crazy motions,
Ridiculous, sublime, like a man in exile,
Relentlessly gnawed by longing! and then of you,…”